Trauma Informed Nutrition

What is
trauma informed nutrition?

At some point in your life, you may encounter an experience that doesn’t make sense to you, but it hurts. Maybe even a whole set of experiences. 

But what happens when we don’t know how to label our pain? When it is so deep and emotional, spiritual, or ambiguous and the edges aren’t clearly defined? It’s hard to ask for help because it’s hard to know that you NEED help. 

Learning to name this pain as trauma, addiction, or disordered eating provides a pathway for healing. It also makes it easier for people to understand and empathize. You didn’t experience trauma all by yourself; therefore, processing with the safe involvement of other people can really help you to undo the effects of trauma.

As a Nutritional Therapist, Naia Riley provides nutrition counseling and body-based practices to release and resolve trauma. She has years of experience working in high acuity mental health treatment, which allows her to support the healing process through a holistic framework – focusing on the junction of mind and food.

The philosophy of Food as Medicine is utilized in conjunction with trauma therapy to calm the nervous system, balance the body, restore health, and improve quality of life.

And yes, this journey may have some bumps and discomfort. But the edge of comfort is where we grow. Naia provides a compassionate and gentle landing spot for growth.

How does
it help?

  • Learn how trauma affects the brain and body:
    • Weight
    • Food choices
    • Eating behaviors
    • Vitamin & Mineral Status
    • Microbiome & Gut Health
  • Heal your relationship with food and your body.
  • Incorporate specific foods and supplements to help repair the impact of trauma.
  • Heal your gut, improve your immune system, and increase your overall stress resilience.

What to expect?

  • Trauma sensitive language
  • Compassionate care
  • Individualized treatment
  • Education on:
    • The effect of trauma on the brain and body
    • Utilizing food as medicine
    • Supplements to support healing
  • Meal planning support
  • Grocery shopping assistance
  •  Mindfulness practices
  • Grounding techniques

“We must learn to transform toxic agents into allies.”

Bessel Van der Kolk

The Body Keeps the Score